Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miracle Shoppe and Cereals

While on my journey to the doctor's, I was lying down in the back seat, looking out the window, and slightly up.  This gave me a whole different perspective on Kenya, which frankly, was kind of nice.  One shop in particular caught my attention: Miracle Shoppe and Cereals.  The words were in white on a pink background and they flashed by in an instant.

Let's examine this from several angles as I've had quite a bit of time to lay around and think about it.  Maybe:

1.  The Miracle Shoppe came first, and the owner married the shop owner next door who happened to sell cereals, and they called it a match-made-in-heaven and combined their businesses.

2.  It's really a cereal store where miracles happen.  "Did you see that John bought whole meal flour instead of white today?  It's a miracle!"

3.  Contrary to popular belief, people aren't really investing in miracles these days and cereals is a nice safe standby in hard times.

4.  Maybe their slogan is "Eat More Fiber" and when people actually do, it's considered miraculous.

As funny as I find this, it sobers me every time we are out exactly how many places are Miracle Ministries are Miracle Shops or the like.  It's the health and wealth gospel running over Africa that essentially says, "You pay me now and God will get you back ten-fold."  The ironic thing is that is what all the spam emails from Africa essentially say too.  I'll have to think about that.

Anyway, the upside is we are here to tell orphans and widows and others the true Miracle - that God became Man and died and rose for our sins and adopts us into His family.  It's a miracle you can't buy in a store.

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