Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lil' Cricket

Thanks to special request, I am going to introduce you to our car.  His name is Lil' Cricket and he is a 2003 Mitsubishi Pajero io.  There are many things that I like about Lil' Cricket:

1) I get to say "petrol" when I fill up with gasoline.

2) He looks snazzy.

3) He has high ground clearance so if we go over a speed bump (usually there is one every 100-500 feet) we don't scrape.  (Some people call speed bumps "sleeping policemen.")

4) He has four-wheel drive so if we fall into a pot-hole we can climb back out.

5) There is a radio with which we can choose Indian music, American country, American R&B, Kenyan R&B and actual African hits.  I usually listen to the African stuff.

6) He was very gently used before we bought him secondhand from a dealership that imported him from Japan.

7) He has a bonnet (hood) and big boot (trunk).

8) There is this weird side mirror thing on the front left hood that helps you see the edge of the road.

9) He chirps when you press the car alarm button.  Unfortunately, when they installed the alarm, they disconnected the hazards.  Oops.

10) My very, very favorite thing is that when the security system is enacted, the side mirrors fold into the car automatically so you can't steal them or break them easily.  Yay!

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