Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Wrong Jane

To make sure we have time to do all of our duties, and to actually have good food to eat, we employ Jane a few days a week to help around the house.

Our Jane knows how to make Ugali, the traditional Western Kenyan dish, really well, so we asked her to make it for us, which she is doing here:

She offered to shop in the market for the best Kale and fresh vegetables that it would be hard for us to get as foreigners and we accepted.  Except we forgot to give her extra money to buy the food.

I called her, from Richard's phone, which had two numbers for Jane.  So just to make sure I had the right one I asked, "Is this Jane who works with Kate and Richard?"


"Who lives in Mwiki?"


"Well, we forgot to give you extra money for vegetables.  Can we meet you at the rail line in Mwiki this afternoon?"

"Of course, how about 6:30?"

So 6:30 rolls around and I drive to the rail line by myself.  Tons of people are everywhere because the train has just dropped off everyone that lives in Mwiki.  I don't see Jane anywhere.  Suddenly, two women appear at my window and I think I'm going to be robbed.  Then I recognize them, vaguely, as workers in the orphanage kitchen.

I roll down my window.  "Hi!  Have you seen Jane?"

Shocker:  "I am Jane!  We've been waiting for you, to see what you need and why you called!"

This is the lady at my car window.  Obviously not my Jane.

So I called, set up an appointment, and met with the WRONG Jane.  So embarrassing.  Ugh.

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