Sunday, July 4, 2010


Coca-Cola is a world-wide phenomenon.  Everything here has Coca-Cola's logo and many things are red and white, including a stadium downtown Nairobi that the soft drink company payed to renovate with the understanding that it would be named the Coca-Cola Stadium.  Unfortunately, it was originally named after some famous Kenyan, and which stadium official wants to dis somebody famous?  So now there is a legal battle. 

Anywho, Richard loves Coca-cola and so we have usually have some around.  There is one main way everyone buys coke. 

1. Find a local coke stand.

2. Purchase a crate of bottles.  This is your down payment.

3.  Pay for the liquid in the bottles.  Know that Coke Light costs more than Coke Regular.

4.  Enjoy!

5.  When empty, bring back the crate of empty bottles and switch them out for full ones.  You only pay for the liquid inside since you already paid for the crate and bottles up front.

So now we know why, when we purchased a Coke from a local convenience stand and started to walk away, we were flagged down and harangued into returning the empty bottle by a pleading merchant.  Who wants to pay twice for a bottle?

Also worth noting are the Coke brands that you can't get in the US, namely Crest.  Yum!!!

1 comment:

  1. awesome first picture! sounds like a better way of doing it, as apposed to all the plastic bottles the US goes through. The coke used be flat when i was growing up in Zambia. Miss you guys! David B
