Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not Yo Mama's

Name this tree.  Clues:

1. You've seen it all your life especially at a certain holiday season.

2. You were told not to eat it, and if your cat ate it to call the vet, pronto.

3.  Sometimes, especially in the American south (not South America, as all my students seem to think) these are dusted with glitter.  I'm not sure why, except Myrtle Beach is also in the south and it seems to match the style of Myrtle Beach.

A little closer view:

This is out and about in Nairobi.  Take a guess!


  1. No idea, but then, I'm not a botanist.

  2. Poinsettia tree? I hope I am correct; I am very competitive.

  3. And top prize to Stephen (even though it's weird for me to call you that).

  4. Correction: dusted with glitter AND dyed pink or purple.
