Sunday, July 11, 2010

Roasted Goat

We had some things to celebrate this past Friday:
  • We were at the end of a three-week break from school. 
  • It was the last night in Kenya for a sweet couple who fixed our Internet issues among other things. 
  • One of our missionary couples is moving to Rwanda next week to carry on work there. 
  • We received our 91st child the next day. 
So of course, the only proper thing to do was buy one and a half goats, roasted, and the other stuff that goes so nicely with roasted goat, the most important being chapattis.


Roasted goat.

Irio - the local dish of mashed potatoes, peas and maize.

Beef stew.

Chapattis.  Extra yum.  They are like chewy tortillas.

Geoffrey, seen above munching on goat bone, said that one had to "clean the meat on the bone when eating it."  He meant "don't waste the bone meat because it's the best" but it came across as "you had better sanitize the meat before you eat it."  I've never seen so many people look so sick all at once and put their goat bones down so quickly.  Actually, come to think of it, I don't think I'd ever before seen anyone with goat bones.

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