Monday, January 24, 2011

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Remember Christmas?  And how we slaughtered and skinned three goats?  Well, their skins have been drying by our burn pit for a month. 

At first, the smell was kind of rank.  All of the neighborhood animals came to investigate.  The resident Kite (like a big hawk) could be seen standing on the middle skin, obviously scheming how it could fly away with its prize.  Thankfully, the skins stayed safe, and are now on their way to the tanner/drum maker.

He will prepare the skins, and then stretch them over a suitable container. Using more skin, he'll stitch the two sides together.  This is one goaty drum.

They come in all sizes.

They come in all brands of toxic chemicals.

They come in all shapes.

Some are more decorative then others.

But the point is: by February, we'll have almost a complete class set of goat drums!  I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. So, when you say "we," as in "we slaughtered and skinned three goats," exactly how do you mean we?
