Sunday, October 10, 2010


On Wednesday, during our activity songs, the kids' favourite was "What are you Wearing?"  It required them to first sit down on the floor, and then listen for the items they were wearing.

Song Lyrics: "What are you wearing? What are you wearing? What are you wearing today, today? If you're wearing a belt - stand up!" And so on and so forth.  I now have the song stuck in my head.

This picture was for socks, I think.  Michael is trying to prove he really has socks on so he can stand up and dance.

Here's the catch: I was the only person wearing a skirt.  When the song announced "If you're wearing pants - stand up!" I sat down while everyone else stood up promptly.  The entire class giggled.  I explained that since I was wearing a skirt, I wasn't wearing pants and so I had to sit down.  They giggled louder and longer.

I found out later that Kenyans refer to underwear as "pants."


  1. Oh Kate, this made me smile. I guess some mistakes you only make once. :) I have been there, done that. Very confusing for little ones! And hilarious!!!!

  2. that's really funny :) does that song happen to go with a well-known melody? it would be fun to play with my Spanish students, and we're getting to clothing soon!
