Tuesday, April 26, 2011

World Record

Happy Easter!  I hope yours was wonderful.  Ours was very nice.

This Easter was the first time I cooked a traditional Easter meal, well for Southerners, anyway.  We baked a ham and rolled out some biscuits. Friends brought deviled eggs, broccoli casserole and fruit salad.  I originally wanted to also have twice-baked potatoes, but with the lack of rain in Kenya, the price of potatoes has greatly increased while the size of potatoes has dwindled.  Regular potatoes, that is.  I dug through the sad pebble-sized potatoes, looked in the neighbouring bin at the green grocers and instantly changed in favor of mashed sweet potatoes.  My deciding factor?  The biggest sweet potato known to man.

This sweet potato was so large, it fed the seven of us at Easter lunch with a tupperware full of leftovers.  And people really did eat them and went back for seconds.  It took almost as long to bake as the ham, over two hours in the oven, before we could mash it. That was one big, tasty potato.  Yum!


  1. wow! That is impressive! Hope things are going well for you and Richard! I love reading your blog and being updated! Miss you guys!

  2. We raised one this year that was 6 and 1/2 lbs
