Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Kids Say the Funniest Things

As I teach and interact with kids of all ages every day, I'm always coming home with something funny that someone said or some hilarious question that was asked.

Example 1:
Mrs. Brueck, your hair is soft!  It's like a milk cow! (Insert huge smile)

Ummm....thanks, Christine.

Example 2:
We read King of the Wind by Marguerite Henry last term in Class 6.  It's a wonderful story (hint, hint; you should read it) about a boy and his horse who travel from Morocco to France to England.  After being mistreated the whole time, the horse is finally recognized for it's wonderful qualities and becomes the Goldophin Arabian.  Obviously, I had to explain a lot of horse terminology, starting with mares and stallions. Awkward question from a 13-year-old boy who knows better (I think he wanted to make me squirm): "How do you tell a boy horse from a girl horse?"

Just so you know what happened, because I know you're aching to find out what I said, here's the rest of the conversation. I asked, "How do you tell a boy human from a girl human?" To which he complained, "You didn't answer my question, Mrs. Brueck!"  "Exactly!" I parried, "When you answer my question, I'll answer yours."  Case closed.

Example 3:
We have been practicing hymns for Easter in music class since it's coming up.  (I still sort of think that Christmas was last week.)  Anyway, because of the discussion about Jesus being resurrected from the dead on Easter morning and defeating death, a whole can of worms was opened about what life will be like in heaven and what will happen when Jesus comes back.  My Class 5 students followed me out of music today into recess to ask questions. 

My favourite: "They say when Jesus comes back, in the blink of an eye, we'll all fly to meet Him in the air.  But I don't know how to fly.  How will I get up there?"

I'll never look at this beautiful African sky quite the same way again.

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